1. Peter is staying on for another two weeks and I will keep you posted on his travels
2. The wickedly insightful musings you've been enjoying since we left California will continue albeit with fully functioning septic systems and fewer volcano sightings.
It took a lot for me to decide that it was okay to leave. After all the planning and anticipation, two months sounds like such a short time. But it's actually a huge step to admit that, for me, it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Don't get me wrong, I've had a great time, I've learned a lot, but it wasn't the kind of learning I was hoping for. I think I was naively expecting to have the same feelings and experiences I had when I traveled alone, when I was much younger. And that's just not possible for a worry wart of a mother. Peter, on the other hand, has been having more of a mind-opening experience, which is why he's staying on for a while. I felt badly about dragging him home when he wasn't ready, and he was very torn about letting us go. But we both agree it's best for Ila - who besides her repeated physical illness is sick of being away from friends and family - and it's best for me, since I'm ready, and it's best for him, since he's still having fun. Besides, for a couple that only saw each other weekends, 5 months of 24/7 is a lot, this will give us something to talk about!
So, we'll spend another week in Buenos Aires, and by then Ila will (hopefully) be over her third bout of the traveler's flu. She and I will spend a gloriously long time together on an airplane and then we'll reestablish ourselves in Connecticut for the time being. Peter is headed to Uruguay where he hopes to hit a pretty beach in La Paloma up north.
Once he's back we're planning to look for our next home, and figure out what we're going to do for a living. I must admit I really miss California and now that my brother's living in San Francisco I'm thinking he and I could start the full court press on the rest of the gang. Sure would be easier if we didn't have to move our stuff! What IS all that stuff? I can't imagine.
Right now it's crappy and grey in Buenos Aires. We couldn't get out of here until next Wednesday night and it's agony waiting now that we know we're going. Plus, our apartment smells funny. This whole place smells funny.
I forgot to post pictures of the tiny plane before... here you go...

1 comment:
Having spent a few months in my 20's backpacking around Peru, I was actually surprised that you were "roughing it" with Ila. We Americans are use to our creature comforts and although it may look lovely to the eye, it can often be uncomfortable, stinky, and lack flavor. It's just not so fabulous to take a 3 year old out of their comfort zone. So, I say "saludos e bueno suerte!"
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